Goals, Resolutions or a Vision Board

people toasting wine glasses

Goals, Resolutions or a Vision Board: Succeeding in the New Year Happy New Year! As we begin 2024 and the excitement of the new year you may be wrestling with which direction to embark on in the new year. Whether it’s goals, vision boards or resolutions you may be wondering which is best for you. […]

Establishing Your Third Place

clear drinking glasses on table

What is This? Like me, you may be wondering what is third place. It’s turns out it is a vital ingredient in your mental health tool kit.  But before we define it we need to clarify what first and second place are. First place would be considered where you live. Second place would be were […]

The Back-to-School Blues: How to Embrace Change

Therapy with luvie_Change

The Back to School Blues: How to Embrace Change Summer is winding down, and school is back in session. For many, this season signifies change and let’s face it, change can be scary. Change can suggest instability, the unknown, and unpredictability. However, it is said that change is the only constant, so shouldn’t we be […]

How Do I Pick A Major?

Ife Duduyemi_Majors

A Guide for Traditional Students and Adult Learners Attaining higher education can be very exciting yet stressful. On one hand, you have so many new, fun, and exhilarating experiences awaiting. On the other hand, you have to make several, potentially life-changing, decisions.  For a college freshman, decisions might sound like: Do I room with my […]

Creative Burnout

Ife Duduyemi

Scarier than Ghouls, Ghosts, and Goblins How many of us have a favorite artist, and we constantly cannot wait for them to release music? Or a director we anticipate creating another film? Or buying tickets for a comedian’s tour? Creativity is a talent adorned by many, but very few are aware of the hard work […]

Toxic Traits of Perfectionism and How to Improve


Toxic Perfectionism Part 1 Do you identify as a Perfectionist? One who needs all things to be flawless, requires the same of others, and needs control over their circumstances? Perfectionism takes a toll on you and those around you. In this present moment, that’s alright because you likely navigated to this blog post in hopes […]

6 Questions to Ask During Your Therapy Consultation

Ife Duduyemi

The beautiful thing about seeking out a therapist is that you have the chance to get a feel for them in the form of a phone consultation. Most consultations are free of charge and range anywhere from 15 minutes to the length of a typical session. In the consultation, you and the therapist talk a […]

Super Bowl 52: Winning Big

winning big

I LOVE Sports! So, when I was younger I played sports in middle school and high school. And even till today I love sports! As you can imagine every year in my house we prep and have a Super Bowl party regardless of who’s playing. I always find it intriguing to see what the significant […]