That’s Not Love: It’s Codependency

Codependency_Therapy with Luvie

“I can’t stop thinking about her.” “I’m just so OBSESSED with him.” “I can’t live without her!” While these statements can seem endearing on the surface, in a particular context, these phrases can be evidence codependency. I often encounter individuals grappling with the subtle yet intricate web of relationship codependency. In session, as we explored […]

Forgiveness: A Crucial Principle to a Healthy Life

Forgiveness is tricky because we hear we’re “supposed to forgive”. On the other hand, we hear “I have a right to how I feel.” This post will not be about telling you why you must forgive but rather what you lose out on if you don’t. Then you can decide for yourself if it is […]

Relationship Tips: How to Win Every Conflict

relationship tips

Conflict in relationships are unavoidable. But by setting up the relationship for success, you can win every time. These relationship tips will show you how to win every conflict. It begins by creating patterns. First Relationship Tip The first relationship tip is creating patterns that are healthy and sustainable.  What that looks like is there […]

6 Questions to Ask During Your Therapy Consultation

Ife Duduyemi

The beautiful thing about seeking out a therapist is that you have the chance to get a feel for them in the form of a phone consultation. Most consultations are free of charge and range anywhere from 15 minutes to the length of a typical session. In the consultation, you and the therapist talk a […]